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Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Who has the control ? - WSIS summit

Well I am not talking about the big corporations that rule the internet space. This fight is for the real power that gives control over what happens and not in the Internet. After the latest rounds of WSIS ,the control still seems to have remained at the hands of ICANN(which is the 'Yes' saying machine of US) while other's have some solace in the form of an International committee that has been set up to discuss various Internet related issues. How much benefit the developing nations will derive at the end of this summit is not clear right now, however the US seems to have kept the control to itself for now and the others will have to wait till their day dawns when they can decide the future.


Anonymous said...

The United States administration is frantically spinning this as a victory. But the deeper reality is more complex. US negotiators were under tremendous pressure from Washington not to appear to give up control—this was necessary to appease domestic interests. But actually, the US gave into pressure from India and its allies to create a forum under the leadership of the UN secretary-general. This forum will, no doubt, carry considerable moral influence over ICANN.

Suresh said...

I am not sure how influential the forum is going to be. But it's too early to speculate.

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